{% load i18n %} {% load base_filters %} {% load base_tags %} {% load theme_tags %} {% load story_tags %} {% load box_tags %} {% load nav_tags %} {% load video_tags %} {% load video_filters %} {% load news_tags %} {% load photo_tags %} {% load news_tags %} {% load event_tags %} {% load directory_tags %} {% load job_tags %} {% theme_extends "base.html" %} {% load base_filters %} {% load base_tags %} {% load story_tags %} {% block title %}{{ SITE_GLOBAL_SITENAME }} {{ SITE_GLOBAL_SITEPRIMARYKEYWORDS }}{% endblock %} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock extra_head %} {% block body_ids %}home{% endblock body_ids %} {% block body_classes %}home{% endblock body_classes %} {% block html_body %}
Skip to main content {% theme_include "header.html" %} {% list_stories as stories_list limit=6 tags="rotator" quality="90" %}
{% for story in stories_list %}
Slide background {% if story.image %} image for {{ story.title }} {% endif %}

{{ story.title }}

{{ story.content|striptags|truncatewords_html:"32" }}

Read more
{% endfor %}

{% box_title 12 %}

{% box 12 %}

{% box_title 13 %}

{% box 13 %}

{% box_title 14 %}

{% box 14 %}

{% trans 'Events' %}

{% list_events as events_list limit=3 %} {% if event_list %} {% trans 'View more events' %} »W {% endif %}

{% trans 'About ISOS' %}

{% box 16 %}
{% box 15 %}
{% box 4 %}
{% box 6 %}

{% trans 'Latest News' %}

{% list_news as news_list limit=4 %} {% for news_item in news_list %}

{% blocktrans with headline=news_item.headline|truncatewords:6 %}{{ headline }}{% endblocktrans %}

{% if news_item.summary %} {% blocktrans with summary=news_item.summary|striptags|truncatewords:"15" %}{{ summary }}{% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% blocktrans with summary=news_item.body|striptags|truncatewords:"15" %}{{ summary }}{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}

{% trans 'Read More' %} »
{% empty %}

{% trans 'No news to show now.' %} {% trans 'Start adding news now!' %}

{% endfor %}
{% theme_include 'footer.html' %}
{% endblock %} {% block extra_body %} {% endblock extra_body %}